New brewer information??

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New brewer information??

Post by Dwayne_Delaney » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:21 am

I think we need to provide information to the prospective homebrewers that may visit this site. We passed out several of the cards to people interested in homebrewing at SWIRCA and the BrewHaHa, but don't really provide a path for them to follow. We could provide links to other sites or come up with short, simple tutorials on extract, partial-mash and all-grain brewing. This could be something that as a club we could work on together. I have visited 20 or so homebrewing club sites and not one of them has any easily accessed information for people interested in getting started. Another option would be to come up with a small booklet that we could pass out for free to future homebrewers. What do you think?
Dwayne Delaney

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Chris Norrick
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Post by Chris Norrick » Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:06 pm

Sounds good to me. Let's work up some content and I'll make a new tab on the home page. Kenny also mentioned making a "News" tab. So I'll work on that too.
Chris Norrick
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